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2015年12月 3日
International Food Fes 2015を開催しました!
皆さんこんにちは、i-Lounge TAの熊谷佳純です。今日は、11月27日(金)に開いた、世界フードフェス2015についてご報告させていただきたいと思います。
この会を通じて、留学生と仲良くなり、異文化に興味を持つきっかけとなれたらいいなと思います。(By TA カーリー)
I am Kasumi Kumagai and I am a teaching assistant at International Lounge. Today,
I would like to talk about an event called "World Food Fes2015" that we had on
Nov 27th. We associated the event with Thanksgiving which is a
national holiday in USA and Canada. Fourteen undergraduate students and
nineteen exchange students made 26 meals for the event. Not only American and
Chinese food which we usually eat, but also Brazilian and Italian cuisines were
there too. Every meal was delicious! Before we ate the meals, we had a
presentation about the meals. Therefore, we learned about the food and their
cultures. After we ate our meals, we played a quiz game "World Food Quiz". Each
quiz was thought by donors. Some were easy, but others were not. We totally
enjoyed the quiz.
I hope the party created good
connections between the exchange students and undergraduate students, and many
students will interest in international cultures.
トラックバックURL: https://blog.ngu.ac.jp/mt/mt-tb.cgi/5263