【ご報告】English&Japanese Camp
こんにちは、i-Lounge TA の大積裕介です。 10月15~16日(土~日)にEnglish / Japanese Camp をしました。 これは、名古屋学院大学の学部生と留学生が、瀬戸キャンパスでキャンプをするというイベントでした。学生、留学生がそれぞれ、母語ではなく第二言語を使い、自己紹介から、夜の瀬戸キャンパスツアー、自分たちのオリジナルの国を作る+その発表などの様々なアクティビティーをしました。 みなさんが積極的にアクティビティーに取り組んでくれたので、とても楽しいキャンプになりました! キャンプ当日にはたくさんのアクティビティーがありましたが、そのすべてをここに書こうとすると、とてつもなく長い長い文章になってしまうので、すべてのアクティビティーから二つのアクティビティーを選んで皆さんにシェアしたいと思います。 一つ目は、自己紹介です。これはとてもシンプルで、ただ、たくさんの人が二列に並んで、一対一で一分間程度自己紹介し、一分ごとに自己紹介する人を変えるというものです。とてもシンプルですが、これが意外に盛り上がり、周りの音が聞こえない程でした。皆さんが積極的に自分を押し出していったおかげです! 二つ目のアクティビティーは、グループごとに、大きな白紙に自分たちのオリジナルの国を描き、それを発表するというものでした。このアクティビティーは、グループでのアイデア力、画力、そしてもちろんチームワーク力が試されました。どのチームも本当に面白いアイデアを出し、みんなで協力して絵を書き、その国のプレゼンテーションをしました。このアクティビティーでも、すべてのグループが積極的に取り組んでくれたおかげで、とても充実したものになりました。 またイベントを開催するので、ぜひ参加してください。お待ちしています。
Hey guys, I am Yusuke, a teaching assistant at i-Lounge. I would like you guys to know about an event held on October 15 and 16: English / Japanese Camp. Students of NGU and international students went to Seto campus, another campus of NGU to take part in the camp. We did many activities like introducing ourselves, night Seto campus tour, and group work without using our native languages. Because everyone tackled all activities enthusiastically, we had a great time. Although we had many activities in the camp, we can't write down all of them, so we'd like to share two of them with you guys. One of them was introductions. It was very simple; we were lined up in two lines and faced one another. After we introduced ourselves for one minute, we listened to the other person's introduction. It seemed very easy but in the commotion it was not always easy to hear our partners. This was because everyone wanted to know each other. Another activity was 'Making our own countries'. In this activity, every group drew their own countries on a big paper and presented it to the other members. Each group needed fantastic ideas, an ability of drawing picture and teamwork. All groups had very interesting ideas, drew well, and presented their own countries with excitement. This activity's success can be owed to the great cooperation in every team. I hope all the participants in the camp had a great time and would take part in the next event, so see you in the next one! Thank you!

TAのわってぃー、こと、五十嵐 亘です。
Hi guys! My name is Wataru and I'm a teaching assistant at i-Lounge. Well, today, I would like to let you guys know about an event we held on October 14th. The event was a sports festival. We did 2 kinds of games, and we had a total of 8 teams compete against each other in the event. First, we did "Catch the tail." In this game, the players take off other player's tails. The tail is a piece of cloth put on the player's lower back. The player would then run around, trying to avoid having their tail taken by another player. The players who's tails are taken have to get out of the playing field. After 5 minutes, the team that has more players left wins. Actually, in the field, it was so hectic. It seemed the players who were able to survive got so tired. Haha. But, anyway, we had a really fun time!! After Catch the tail, we did "A relay of scavenger hunt." In this game, we had 5 kinds of mini-games, such as a three-legged race. I was so glad the players were trying to do their best in each game. And, we really enjoyed cheering not only own team, but also other teams!! I hope the participants in this game had a good time. TA's are planning on the next event, which is going to be so much fun, and I hope you guys will take part in it. It would be great to have you guys participate!! Thank you.